Behind the Brand

The Three Co-Founders of Hey Freya.

We believe that food, movement, community and time in nature are the best medicine, but modern life often leave us lacking in these core areas including insufficiencies in vital nutrients. That's where hey freya comes in.

Our story began with a need to improve accessibility to naturopathic care and provide our bodies with everything vital for optimal health.

We recognized an alarming lack of transparency in the supplement industry, with products full of fillers, toxins and synthetic ingredients. We were reluctant to take off-the-shelf supplements because we couldn’t trust them. Accessing health tests was confusing and the results they provided felt unclear and unhelpful.

We don’t want you to feel the way that we felt.

After years of research and practice in women's health, hey freya has curated the best health tests and created the best supplements on earth. We combine evidence-backed innovation with traditional naturopathic medicine to curate health tests and design formulas that synergize with your body. Our supplements are sourced from only the highest quality plant-based ingredients and maximize absorption, and our health tests are best-in-class and processed only at CLIA-certified labs.

Most of the health industry was designed around tests and studies performed on men and it is high-time that women receive support designed specifically for them.

We expect only the best when it comes to a woman’s agency and her health. We deserve the best and the best can be simple, thoughtful, and easy to use.


Life is messy and we want to help you have the energy to deal with it all, in a transparent, trust-worthy, easy, and accessible way.

With love,

hey freya is majority owned and operated by its founders Dr. Thara Vayali, Cecilia Tse and Helkin Berg

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